Cdu Wahlprogramm 24

CDU and CSU Election Program Summary for the 2024 European Elections


The 2024 European elections are fast approaching, and the CDU and CSU parties are preparing to campaign for votes. The parties have released a joint election program that outlines their vision for Europe and their key policy priorities.

Key Policy Priorities

The CDU and CSU's election program focuses on several key policy areas, including:

  • Strengthening the European Union
  • Promoting economic growth and competitiveness
  • Protecting citizens' rights and freedoms
  • Addressing climate change and environmental protection

The program also includes specific proposals for reforming the European Union, such as reducing bureaucracy and making the EU more responsive to citizens' concerns.

Campaign Strategy

The CDU and CSU are planning a nationwide campaign tour to promote their election program. The parties will hold rallies and town hall meetings to engage with voters and discuss the issues that are important to them.

The parties are also using social media and online advertising to reach out to voters. They are highlighting their key policy priorities and urging voters to support their candidates in the European elections.


The CDU and CSU are confident that they can win the 2024 European elections and shape the future of Europe. The parties' election program is a comprehensive and ambitious plan that offers voters a clear choice on the direction of the European Union.

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