Cdu Unveils New Policy Platform

CDU unveils new policy platform

"In Freiheit leben Deutschland sicher in die Zukunft führen"

Party aims to sharpen its profile ahead of 2024 European elections

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has unveiled its new policy platform, a 70-page document entitled "In Freiheit leben Deutschland sicher in die Zukunft führen" (Living in freedom, leading Germany safely into the future).

The platform, which was presented by CDU leader Friedrich Merz, emphasizes the party's commitment to freedom, security, and progress.

One of the key goals of the platform is to establish a security and defense community based on a common and comprehensive understanding of threats facing Europe.

The CDU and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), will use the platform as the basis for their campaign in the 2024 European elections.

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