Harley Davidson Offshores More Motorcycle Production

Harley-Davidson Offshores More Motorcycle Production

Union Workforce Expresses Dismay

Move to Thailand Raises Concerns

In a controversial move, Harley-Davidson is shifting production of its Revolution Max powertrain motorcycles to its existing Thailand manufacturing facility. The decision has sparked outrage among union workers in the United States, who fear job losses.

Temporary Relocation of Production

According to a Harley-Davidson spokesperson, the move is temporary and affects only three of its models. However, the company's announcement has raised concerns that production may remain offshore indefinitely.

Anger Among Union Workers

Union workers in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have expressed anger over the decision. They argue that Harley-Davidson's move is a betrayal of its American workforce and will lead to job losses in the United States.

Reasons for the Move

Harley-Davidson has not disclosed its reasons for moving production to Thailand. However, industry analysts speculate that the move is motivated by lower labor costs and increased efficiency.

Impact on American Workers

The potential impact of Harley-Davidson's move on American workers is unclear. The company has stated that no jobs will be lost in the United States, but union workers remain skeptical.

Concerns About Quality

Some consumers have expressed concerns about the quality of motorcycles produced in Thailand. However, Harley-Davidson has stated that all of its motorcycles, regardless of where they are produced, meet the company's strict quality standards.

Previous Offshoring Moves

Harley-Davidson has previously moved some of its motorcycle production to other countries, including India. The company has also established partnerships with foreign manufacturers, such as the Chinese company Qianjiang.

Outlook for the Future

It remains to be seen whether Harley-Davidson will permanently move more of its motorcycle production offshore. The company's decision will likely be influenced by factors such as labor costs, consumer demand, and political pressure.


Q: Why is Harley-Davidson moving production to Thailand?

A: Harley-Davidson has not disclosed its reasons for moving production to Thailand. Industry analysts speculate that the move is motivated by lower labor costs and increased efficiency.

Q: How many jobs will be lost in the United States?

A: Harley-Davidson has stated that no jobs will be lost in the United States. However, union workers remain skeptical.

Q: Will the quality of Harley-Davidson motorcycles suffer?

A: Harley-Davidson has stated that all of its motorcycles, regardless of where they are produced, meet the company's strict quality standards.

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