Coronavirus Ursprung

Did a Lab Accident Start the Pandemic, Not a Spillover From Animals?

A lab accident, rather than a spillover from animals, may have sparked the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new theory.

The theory, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, is based on the analysis of genetic data from the virus. The researchers found that the virus has a number of features that are more consistent with a lab origin than a natural one.

For example, the virus has a furin cleavage site, which is a molecular feature that allows it to infect human cells more easily. This site is not found in other coronaviruses that have spilled over from animals to humans.

The researchers also found that the virus has a number of other features that are more consistent with a lab origin, such as a lack of genetic diversity and the presence of specific genetic sequences that are not found in other coronaviruses.

The theory that the virus originated in a lab is still just that - a theory. More research is needed to confirm or refute it.

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