Brood X A Historic Emergence

Brood X Cicadas Set to Emerge: 15 States Brace for Historic Event

Brood X: A Historic Emergence

In a momentous event not witnessed in nearly two decades, two broods of cicadas are poised to make their grand debut this spring, spanning the Midwest and Southeast. Brood X, the larger of the two broods, has been dormant underground for 17 years, while the smaller Brood XIX has been slumbering for 13 years. This dual emergence is set to captivate nature enthusiasts and raise awareness about the fascinating life cycle of these enigmatic insects.

Missouri Ground Zero

Missouri stands at the epicenter of this cicada spectacle. Brood X is blanketing most of the state, with its reach extending into 15 neighboring states. The cicadas are likely to start emerging in late April, heralding the arrival of a symphony of buzzing and clicking that will permeate the air for weeks to come. This historic emergence is a testament to the resilient nature of these insects and the intricate tapestry of life on Earth.

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