Washes Citadel


The Ultimate Guide to Citadel Washes and Shades

Unlock the Secrets of Miniature Painting with Citadel's Range


For over four decades, [Company Name] has been the leading expert in miniature painting. Our Citadel paints are renowned for their exceptional quality and versatility, empowering hobbyists to create masterpieces from their miniatures. Among the vast array of Citadel products, the washes and shades are essential tools for enhancing the depth, detail, and realism of any painted miniature.

An Overview of Citadel Washes and Shades

Citadel washes and shades are acrylic-based paints specially formulated to bring out the intricate details of your miniatures. They flow easily into recesses and crevices, creating shadows and depth that bring your models to life. Each range is tailored to a specific purpose in the painting process, allowing you to achieve a variety of effects with ease.

Essential Citadel Washes and Shades

While all Citadel washes and shades have their merits, three standouts deserve special mention:

  • Nuln Oil: A deep, oil-based wash perfect for adding a subtle shadow to recesses and creating a weathered, aged effect.
  • Agrax Earthshade: A warm, earth-toned wash ideal for mimicking dirt and grime on miniatures, bringing a sense of realism to your models.
  • Reikland Fleshshade: A flesh-colored wash that enhances the skin tones of human and humanoid miniatures, providing a natural and lifelike look.

Tips for Using Citadel Washes and Shades

To maximize the effectiveness of Citadel washes and shades, follow these tips:

  • Thin your washes: Diluting your washes with water or medium allows for greater control and prevents pooling.
  • Apply in thin layers: Build up the intensity of your washes gradually by applying multiple thin layers.
  • Experiment with different colors: Don't limit yourself to the standard washes and shades. Mix and blend different colors to create unique effects.


Citadel washes and shades are an indispensable tool for miniature painting enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a novice just starting your hobby, these paints will empower you to take your miniature painting skills to new heights. By embracing the range of Citadel washes and shades and following the tips outlined above, you can unlock the secrets of miniature painting and create stunning masterpieces.


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