Tft Sorcerer Emblem Holder

WEB Sorcerer Emblem TFT Item Stats

Performance by Stage

The Sorcerer Emblem TFT item is a powerful item that can give your team a significant advantage in the late game. It gives the holder the Shurima trait, which increases their ability power by 10%. It also gives the holder 15 mana, which can be very helpful for casting spells. At 40 health, the holder gains a 25 maximum health shield that lasts for the rest of the game. This shield can be very helpful for keeping your carry units alive in the late game.

Best Units to Put Sorcerer Emblem On

The Sorcerer Emblem is best put on units that benefit from the Shurima trait and that can cast powerful spells. Some good units to put the Sorcerer Emblem on include:

  • Aurelion Sol
  • Malphite
  • Syndra
  • Veigar
  • Zoe

Tips for Using the Sorcerer Emblem

Here are a few tips for using the Sorcerer Emblem effectively:

  • Try to get the Sorcerer Emblem on a unit that is already a Sorcerer. This will give them the most benefit from the item.
  • Use the Sorcerer Emblem to create a team composition that focuses on casting spells. This will allow you to take advantage of the item's bonuses.
  • Be careful not to put the Sorcerer Emblem on a unit that is too squishy. The item's shield can be helpful, but it won't protect your unit from being one-shotted by assassins.


The Sorcerer Emblem is a powerful item that can give your team a significant advantage in the late game. By following these tips, you can use the item effectively to help you win more games.

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